Welcome to The Ick.
I’m Emily, a journalist and essayist, and I’m the author here.

The Ick is a publication organized into themed seasons. Start anywhere you like. Here are the contents so far:
Season 3: Social Survival Guide
This season we’re decoding the hidden rules of human connection. What makes people click? What makes them ick? With help from psychologists, linguists, and social scientists, season 3 is creating a field guide to post-pandemic etiquette.
Season 2: The 5 Senses
Instead of filtering out what makes us feel weird, out of control, or icked out—we’re turning up the volume. A season of essays and interviews dedicated to delighting in the qualia and surprising interwovenness of the senses.
Season 1: Embarrassing Stories
A series covering my most embarrassing moments from compulsive lying to almost drowning.