
[Full Interview] How to Hear

Does music theory improve listening? with @soundrotator

Welcome to The Ick Season 2, where I’m exploring the five senses via interviews with Twitter experts that I love and respect. For episode two, meet Reb, aka @soundrotator, an incredible choral director, composer, and pianist who helps me understand how music theory affects listening. Each post has two parts, the essay and the interview. Find the essay here: How to Hear.

Watch my full interview with Reb where we discuss “does music theory help or hinder the ability to hear?” plus we get excited about augmented sixths.

Music Theory and How to Hear [00:00 - 04:23]

  • How music theory provides tools to understand the mechanics of music, but doesn't necessarily enhance the emotional experience

  • How having theoretical knowledge can sometimes hinder the ability to be present and experience the beauty of music

- Music is meant to be a communal experience, accessible to everyone regardless of formal training

The Role of Music Theory in Deepening Listening [04:23 - 12:52]

  • How music theory can help understand why musical elements evoke specific emotions or sensations

  • Understanding the mechanics can be liberating and enable the creation of music

  • The intellectual activity of analyzing music should not be a substitute for truly relating to the emotional experience

How to Be a Better Listener [12:52 - 18:23]

  • How to put down the analytical tools down be present with the music

  • For those unfamiliar with classical music, find good performers who can guide the ear through the piece

What Makes a Good Listener? [18:23 - 24:33]

  • Acceptance of the fleeting nature of music, while following it closely in real-time

  • Being present with the infinite complexity of the experience, without trying to make immediate meaning

  • The ability to temporarily let go of the need to make meaning can allow for deeper listening and discovery

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